

Reading your scores

Firm but cold
(More than 5 on firm love, Less than 5 on soft love)

Work on softlove skills
You are a strong, no nonsense type of person who is well-organised. Maybe deep down you care but find it hard to show this. So you are aloof and remote, and your kids may feel they are never quite good enough. You are often too busy to spend time with them (Recently, though, you are starting to change your ways.)

Warm and strong
(More than 5 on firm love, More than 5 on soft love)

You are warm and very loving.  You are also quite clear about discipline on the matter. Your kids know they have to follow certain guidelines and take on responsibilities. But they also feel safe and cared about. Everyone in your family has lots of fun, hugs and laughter.

Cold and not very strong
(Less than 5 on firm love, Less than 5 on soft love)

Work on softlove and hardlove skills.
Seek help from a caring counselor if you feel concerned about your parenting.
You are very tense and distant. You may let your children get away with murder, and then lose it completely and lash out at them. Then you go back to being permissive again. (With the help of friends and a counselor you will learn to relax and love yourself so you can love your children

Loving but not very firm
(Less than 5 on firm love, More than 5 on soft love)

Work on firmlove skills
You love your kids and spend lots of time with them. In fact, you have no time for yourself. The children walk over you, and are very demanding. You are terribly tired from trying so hard, and yet can’t seem to gain control. (Start going to a parents’ support group and get some hints on firmlove.)